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Friday, December 11, 2009

Salutations from Penang

hello...gosh it's a long time since i updated my blog
well...so say hi to all ^^
In penang computer center now and it's 4.55a.m!!!
yeah i know it's early and i had my breakfast, two half-boiled egg + hot tea
it such an delicous combinations

well...living in Penang generally was nice and really enjoying
i even thought of migrating here when i have a family but who knowS rite?
Staying in my teacher friends' house and it was really nice despite that i am getting hard time to fall asleep...

hmm..yesterday was really a great day
We went to the Pragin mall and I try some nasi beriyani near Komtar
and it is urmm urmmm DELICIOUS!! wahaha
at nite we had our dinner near Queensbay at the kopitiam recommended by my teacher's friend and it is quite good also ^^
then we went to the Queensbay and too bad Swensens is now closed..
sighs..3 months ago it is still there and now no more..
well..will play some chess today and see what happens
hopefully i might pull out some wins la of course or some lesson ^^
well..so sleepy now
going to sleep now

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